3 ALTERNATIVE Food Logging Strategies

Roll call those of you who hate logging *or* those of you who have tried logging but don’t reeeeally know what yer doing (cue random half logged entries that don't include pizza night).

????????‍♀️Hi, guess what! Logging can be an epic tool in your health journey and doesn't require you becoming a food-obsessed nutcase to reap the benefits.⠀

I know, I know. No one told you that, but it's ok, I gotchu now.

So, we actually have some solid data on food logging and turns out that there are a ton of benefits to SIMPLY doing it which include...⠀

  • ⚡️Better awareness⠀
  • ⚡️Mindful eating⠀
  • ⚡️Weight loss⠀
  • ⚡️Better portion control⠀
  • ⚡️Improved food quality⠀
  • ⚡️Identifying food intolerances⠀
  • ⚡️Identifying poor habits & triggers⠀

This is likely due to the concept of "self-monitoring" which in the weight loss and maintenance world is a HUGE factor to initial and long-term success.

????‍♀️I often hear about the dark side of logging unfortunately. Platforms that give you insane targets (like 1200 on the reg ugh), inaccurate food entries, clunky user interfaces.

I'm just gonna straight out say it, MFP is trash and Cronometer is the GOAT.

Thanks to Crono, my clients are often able to rehabilitate their relationship with logging and one of the first ways I do that is by playing with an alternative strategy that doesn’t involve macros.

⭐️Logging is a very effective tool when wielded appropriately, which is why I teach all of my clients how to use it - and then leave it up to them as to whether it's something they want to use regularly (which incidentally, once they've learned what need to learn, very few do including myself).


Strategy #1: Logging for Awareness

For someone who...

  • wants to develop awareness
  • has little to no logging experience
  • strugles with consistency
  • wants to identify sensitivities
  • wants better portion control
  • develop mindful eating
  • identify triggers or poor habits


  1. Log a typical day of meals in the Diary section.
  2. Set a goal for how often you will track (recommended starting with something realistic like 3x/week and build up from there!).


Strategy #2: Logging for Fiber

For someone who wants to...

  • normalize bowel movements
  • identify sensitivities
  • maintain bowel health
  • lower cholesterol levels
  • help control blood sugar levels
  • achieve a healthy weight
  • live longer


  1. Log a typical day of meals in the Diary section.
  2. Build up to 25-35g of daily fiber intake.

High sources of fiber include avocado, beans, blueberries, raspberries, pears, oatmeal, pears, flax seeds, chia seeds, artichokes, and broccoli.


Strategy #3: Logging for Micronutrients


1. Log a typical day.
Don't try to adjust, it helps to see where you're starting from and make gradual adjustments.

2. Compare your vitamins and minerals compared to RDVs.
Green means you hit it, yellow is under, and red is over.

3. Use "Suggest Foods" button to get personalized recs.
You'll find it in the Nutrient Targets bar.


Now, I'd love to hear from you - what's YOUR experience with food logging?????????



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