The BEST Workout Program

I know you've tried a hundred different workout programs.

Beachbody, Orange Theory, F45, that $8 program with TONS of options.

You have this picture in your head of yourself as someone who works out consistently, who doesn't groan every time they skip their planned gym trip, and feels great putting on their clothes in the morning.

But sticking with any of them has proven tricky. It seems like you just can't find the ONE...

The ONE workout program that works for you. Not for lack of trying, and damn it's annoying to constantly feel like you're starting over when you've been trying for so long.

For years, I thought the ONE existed.

The elusive missing puzzle piece, the holy grail of training programs, the single most perfect workout program that ticked all the boxes and got me everything I wanted (hell, I even owned a CF gym for 4 years).

Newsflash: the BEST workout program is the one you can start NOW and still be doing 6 months...a year...5 years from now.

Do not underestimate the power of imperfect exercise. If you continue to wait around for perfect, you iz gonna be waiting awhile, wasting time, missing out on a lot of fun and results. You can only figure out what you like and what works by DOING.

Haven't seen the inside of a gym in awhile?

Who cares. Get in there tomorrow and get to work.

If you're not sure where to start, here's a free week of training:


  • Goblet Squat: 8-10 reps, x2 sets
  • Barbell Pushup: (can also do on bench or box) 8-10 reps, x2 sets
  • Standing Split Squat: 8-10/leg, x2 sets
  • Lat Pulldown 8-10 reps, x2 sets
  • Butterfly or Anchored Situps: 10-12 reps, rest 10 seconds, x5 rounds


  • 10min morning walk
  • Hit 5000 steps during the day
  • 10min PM walk


2 Sets:

  • 12-15 Kettlebell or Dumbell Romanian Deadlift
  • Rest 30sec
  • 10-12/arm 1-Arm Row
  • Rest 60sec

2 Sets:

  • 12-15 Seated Incline DB Press
  • rest 20sec
  • 15-20s Forearm Plank Hold
  • rest 60sec

2 Sets:

  • 12-15 Bicep Curls
  • rest 60sec
  • 12-15 Lying DB Tricep Extension
  • rest 60sec


  • 10min morning walk
  • Hit 5000 steps during the day
  • 10min PM walk


2 Rounds:

  • 15sec/side Side Plank
  • 20 Lying Glute Bride
  • 8-10 Burpees

2-3 Rounds, depending on how you feel:

  • 5min machine of choice, easy effort
  • 60sec Wall Sit
  • 5min machine of choice, easy effort
  • 20 Reverse Lunges


  • 10min morning walk
  • Hit 5000 steps during the day
  • 10min PM walk


  • Long walk and/or hit 8000 steps


Use the same weight on your assigned sets, increasing week-by-week (versus set-by-set).

For week 2, repeat the workouts, increasing EITHER the weight or the sets, depending how it felt in week 1.

Google the exercises and don't overthink it. Just get started!



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Because strategies without systems cannot succeed.



Let's show you how fall in love with movement.



Better habits start with better thoughts.