If your first thought upon reading this was...
"Those are so basic. Too small to make a difference. Give me something SUBSTANTIAL to work on!"
...then we just discovered what's keeping you from seeing the BIG progress you've been wishing for.
People who are consistent - who achieve the goals they set out - are the ones who know there's no such thing as too small of a habit.
I GUARANTEE you are wasting energy right now on things like...
Setting up systems is about identifying things you don't feel like doing, and getting one step ahead of them until they become automated. And you DON'T have to be disciplined or smart or even hardworking to leverage this powerful concept.
It sounds crazy at first, but it's these kinds of little things that build momentum and show you what it takes to see big outcomes.
Can you think of some other "small" systems that are great at building momentum?
Let's return to health, together.