Evidence is accumulating that one of the reasons kids (or maybe you lol) don't love veggies is due to the polyphenols, phenolic acid, and other phytochemicals, which are natural pesticides and toxins. They trigger an adaptive response via hormesis, and on a cellular level give us those awesome health benefits.
Conventional vs. Organic vs. Frozen
Trying to penny pinch? Check out the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15. Frozen is still a GREAT option for produce as it’s picked at the height of freshness.
Note: It’s still worth it to eat conventional versus not at all.
A Note about Eating Seasonally
Seasonal and local food is fresher, tastier and more nutritious - the sooner you consume it the more nutrients are there to absorb. You’ll save money, benefit the environment and support local commerce. Hipster win-win.
Farmer’s Market
Use the google. Making this a weekly thing will inject some fun into your food routine.
Produce Delivery
Readily available in urban areas. Google local CSA’s (Community Supported Agriculture) or produce deliveries (Dallas locals check out Farmbox Delivery).
Fun fact alert! There’s essentially a “window” of time where our body waits to accept a new food before getting used to it which is our body’s way of assessing a food for allergy, toxin or intolerance. This means we can TRAIN OUR TASTES with 5-10 repeated exposures (artichokes and beets can suck it tho).
PRO TIP: Wash & chop your veggies the day you get it even if you don't need them right away. That way when time comes to actually prep, you've already done the most tedious step
Let's return to health, together.