Let’s start by answering a couple Q’s…
We seem to always be in search of the best "program." Which one will burn the most fat, give us abs, etc. This makes us vulnerable to programs promising unrealistic body standards with minimal amount of work.
Here’s the truth - the best exercise regimen for you...that will make all your dreams come true...is the one you CAN and WILL do every day. Not the fanciest, highest intensity, or flashiest, newest fad.
Are there some basic rules that everyone can benefit from?
Absolutely, such as...
Our bodies are ill-suited to stagnancy and yet our society has evolved to make life insanely convenient - which is death to our health and vitality.
My friend, we were made to move. And I am passionate as hell about guiding people to their best bodies and lives through the Fundamental Health Formula. We take everything into account - your movement, stress, organization, sleep, nutrition and more.
Let's return to health, together.