Will this week take you closer to your goals or further away?
If you don’t know what you’re eating in the next meal (or 3) then you’re wasting precious energy you can’t afford to lose and sabotaging your goals (whoof starting strong this Monday morning).
One of the first phases of the Fundamental Health Formula is locking down the Big 4 Routines: AM, Bedtime, Weekly Meal Planning & Movement.
The Weekly Meal Planning ritual is often made WAY more complicated than it needs to be. I’ve found that in 4 simple af steps you can completely change the trajectory of your progress and finally have fun seeing results.
(Pssst...even if you missed your planning window this weekend, it’s NOT too late to get it together!)
STEP 1: Schedule your Weekly Planning Sesh
This is a 15-20 minute block on Friday, Saturday or Sunday you will put in your calendar (do it tonight if needed!).
Write out...
1. Your meals for 7 days including protein, veggie, starch and fat - don't forget to schedule in a couple nights eating out or takeaway.
2. Your grocery list extracted from this plan - prepare to save some stacks.
STEP 2: Schedule your grocery trips
Sunday and Wednesday are my usual recommendations but pick the day/s that work best for your schedule.
STEP 3: Schedule your food prep
A larger block on Sunday (I rarely recommend exceeding 1-1.5 hours) and then a smaller one on Wednesday or Thursday before you run out of food and screw all your progress over the weekend (quit doin’ that silly).
STEP 4: Follow through
All it takes for you to experience more time, energy and freedom is the DECISION to follow through.
"Meal planners were more likely to have a higher overall food variety. In women, meal planning was associated with lower odds of being overweight and obese. In men, the association was significant for obesity." Ducrot et al. 2017 PMC
Let's return to health, together.